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Caribbean passport

Second citizenship by investment for the whole family
Worldwide mobility
Investment starts at $100,000

What is Caribbean citizenship by investment?

What is Caribbean? There is no such country – it is a whole region in the Caribbean Sea comprising several island countries. So, how come we have such a thing as a Caribbean passport?

The Caribbean includes around 7,000 islands, dozens of states and overseas territories. And only a few of the Caribbean countries offer investment schemes whereby you can get a second passport in return for a reasonable contribution.

Modern citizenship by investment programs have their roots in that part of the world where, in 1984, St. Kitts and Nevis started to offer passports to foreign investors in exchange for their donations to the Sugar Industry Diversification Fund.

Since then, such programs have become very popular as a means to attract foreign capital not only in the Caribbean, but also in Europe. However, it is still the birthplace of passport programs that offers most attractive options to wealthy individuals.

A second citizenship from a Caribbean jurisdiction is not a prerogative of celebrities, pop stars and sportsmen – it is also popular among those who value their time and freedom. More people nowadays need to be able to travel freely and change place of their residence when they want.

It is hard to overestimate benefits of Caribbean citizenship by investment programs – you and your family will get second passports that would open doors for you, secure a plan B and optimise taxes – all of these and more in a very short time and with a relatively small investment on your part.

Caribbean citizenship by investment programs

Only five countries offer citizenship by investment in the Caribbean. The following countries are now offering affordable investment schemes: St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia. They are all former British colonies and now independent states and part of the Commonwealth. The cost of acquiring a Caribbean citizenship and passport starts from $100,000 either through the donation option or by purchasing real estate.

Most of the above jurisdictions have been attracting foreign investments through their citizenship programs for so long that all the processes are polished and impeccable and are considered Gold Standard among similar citizenship by investment programs around the world.

7 benefits of the Caribbean passport


Caribbean citizenship by investment programs are a great value for money. A reasonable amount of investment can buy you and your dependants a Caribbean passport valid for 5 or 10 years, subject to extension.


Minimum non-refundable investment Minimum refundable investmentPassport validity


$100,000$200,00010 years

St. Kitts and Nevis

$150,000$200,00010 years


$150,000$220,000*5 years

Saint Lucia

$100,000$300,0005 years

Antigua and Barbuda

$100,000$400,0005 years

*Investment in a share of a property.

A choice of investment options

Caribbean citizenship programs offer at least 2 or 3 options where you can invest your money in order to get a second passport. Purchase of real estate and contribution to a public fund are available in all 5 jurisdictions.

  1. The easiest and also the cheapest option is a non-refundable donation to a government fund that further distributes that money to develop tourism, transport infrastructure, maintain cultural heritage and build new hospitals and schools.
  2. Second popular option is investing in government-approved construction projects in the Caribbean. The beauty of this option is that after getting second nationality, in 3, 5 or 7 years, you will be able to sell the property and get your money back.
    You would normally be offered to buy a share in a hotel or a spa resort, completed or off-plan. Such investment should not cause a lot of trouble for you after it is handed over to a property management company that will regularly transfer you rent income.
  1. Alternative investment options are business investment (available in Saint Lucia and Antigua and Barbuda) and a one-off donation to the UWI Education Fund (Antigua and Barbuda).

Worldwide mobility

A Caribbean passport is your ticket to up to 156 countries of the world where you don’t need a visa or a visa is given on arrival. Nationals of Caribbean states can travel freely to the EU, the UK, Singapore and apply for a business visa to the USA.


Visa-free countries

St. Kitts and Nevis


Antigua and Barbuda


Saint Lucia






Tax haven

Caribbean countries are well known tax havens for incorporation of international companies that will be trading outside of their home jurisdiction.

Tax regime in the Caribbean is also very beneficial for non-tax residents and this applies to most of the applicants for Caribbean citizenship by investment. All income received outside a jurisdiction of second nationality is not taxed – it is an excellent tool to optimise tax burden and preserve your assets.

You might also be pleasantly surprised by the absence of some taxes that you are used to have at home. Dominica has no property tax, while St. Kitts and Nevis and Antigua and Barbuda do not charge income tax.

TaxSt. Kitts and NevisAntigua and BarbudaDominicaGrenadaSaint Lucia
Income tax
Foreign income tax
Property tax
Wealth tax
Inheritance tax
Gift tax
Capital gains tax
Stamp duty

«√» — tax rates apply.
«—» — no tax applies or tax rate is 0%.

Caribbean passports for the whole family

Foreign investors applying for Caribbean citizenship by investment can include in their applications their spouse, children (including from previous marriages), parents and grandparents and siblings. Every country has its own rules as to which relatives you can add to your passport application. Caribbean citizenship can be passed down to future generations.


Family members that can be included in an application


Spouse, financially dependent children under 30 years old, parents, grandparents, unmarried siblings.

St. Kitts and Nevis

Husband/wife, financially dependent children under 30 years old, siblings not older than 30, parents and grandparents over 55.


Spouse, financially dependent children not older than 30 years old, brothers/sisters under 25, parents and grandparents over 55.

Antigua and Barbuda

Husband/wife, financially dependent children under 28, siblings, parents and grandparents over 58.

Saint Lucia

Spouse, financially dependent children not older than 25 years of age, siblings under 18, parents and grandparents over 65.

Dual nationality and remote processing

Caribbean governments have established strict rules for citizenship by investment applications to be submitted to them only through authorised agents.

This is a good way to get a second passport without leaving your house. You would not even need to visit your new country of nationality, with one exception. You will be required to spend at least 5 days in Antigua and Barbuda in the first five years after obtaining citizenship.

Your new passport will be waiting for you in 4 to 6 months at an agent’s office or, if requested, can be couriered to your home address.

All Caribbean jurisdictions allow dual citizenship so you will not have to renounce your first nationality.

Confidentiality and Plan B

A Caribbean passport is not only an easy way to travel the world without visas, but also the right to live in a modern and safe tropical haven with a breathtaking coastline – in case there is a virus outburst, political or economic upheavals in your home country.

The whole application process under Caribbean citizenship by investment programs, including processing, is protected by strict confidentiality regulations and guarantees 100% security. You can rest assured that details of your second nationality will not leave the jurisdiction that granted it.



St. Kitts and Nevis

From $150,000
Investment starts

2 to 4 months
Processing time

156 countries
Visa-free/visa-on arrival

In 5 years
Investment recoverable

Passport in 45-60 days
Fast-track option


Antigua and Barbuda

From $100,000
Investment starts

3 to 4 months
Processing time

151 countries
Visa-free/visa-on arrival

In 5 years
Investment recoverable

4 investment options



From $100,000
Investment starts

3 to 6 months
Processing time

143 countries
Visa-free/visa-on arrival

In 3 years
Investment recoverable

Best program for a single investor



From $150,000
Investment starts

3 to 4 months
Processing time

144 countries
Visa-free/visa-on arrival

In 3 years
Investment recoverable

Opportunity to get an E-2 work visa to the USA


Saint Lucia

From $100,000
Investment starts

3 to 4 months
Processing time

146 countries
Visa-free/visa-on arrival

In 5 years
Investment recoverable

4 investment options

5 steps to the Caribbean passport

Qualified advisers at Imperial & Legal have been working with Caribbean citizenship by investment programs for years. We are happy to assist you and your family in getting a second passport.

One of the main pillars we operate on is a customised and tailor-made approach. Therefore, you will receive a full legal support in choosing and applying for a citizenship program that best suits your needs. If your case is complex and there are many variables, our specialist will advise what can be done to resolve the issue and get a passport of the chosen country. We will also act on your behalf and in your best interests in front of government authorities to help you achieve your goal.

The whole process of obtaining a second passport can be divided into 5 stages.


Prepare documents and submit an application
Timeframe: 1 day

Our experts are intermediaries between you and citizenship by investment units in Caribbean countries. We can arrange a consultation with an Imperial & Legal adviser either in our office or remotely by phone or WhatsApp/Zoom/Skype video call.

Once we sign a service agreement, our advisers will review your circumstances to eliminate the risk of refusal at the very beginning and present your case in a most favourable light.

Prepare documents and submit an application
Timeframe: 2-4 weeks

Our advisers will prepare all documents to be submitted with your citizenship application. Copies of documents, unless originals are provided, must be notarised and in some cases legalised.

Each applicant must go through a health check and submit recent test results.

If you buy a property, you should choose one from the approved list, sign a sale and purchase agreement and make a deposit.

Imperial & Legal will also conduct their background checks on the main applicant and all eligible dependants.

Wait for your application to be processed
Timeframe: 45 days to 4 months
Upon receipt of your application, relevant authorities conduct their due diligence through independent parties and depending on the results approve or refuse your application. If you are successful, go to the next step.
Make an investment
Timeframe: up to 4 weeks
Once your citizenship application is approved, proceed to making the required investment –donate to the government fund, pay the remaining purchase price of the chosen property or make another eligible investment.
Get your Caribbean passport
Timeframe: up to 2 weeks

When a relevant Citizenship by Investment Unit confirms the receipt of your funds, you and your family will get certificates of naturalisation. Our team at Imperial & Legal will use them to file your passport applications.

Collecting your Caribbean passport will be the last step on your way to second nationality. You can either do it in person in our office or ask us to courier it to your home address.


Everything can be done remotely without you having to visit the Caribbean (except for Antigua and Barbuda where you need to spend at least 5 days in the first five years after obtaining a passport). Next time you might need to contact us would be in 5 or 10 years to extend your passport.

FAQ about Caribbean passport

What is the main reason behind investing in Caribbean citizenship by investment?

Far-away Caribbean island states offer a lot of benefits to their new nationals, but the main reason why foreign investors invest in a second passport is visa-free, red-tape-free travel around the world.

Some entrepreneurs apply for Caribbean citizenship to get an opportunity to apply for a business visa to the USA. Others think of it as a first step to British citizenship.

Is it beneficial for an applicant that Caribbean countries are former British colonies?

Caribbean countries that used to be British colonies only 40-50 years ago have not lost connection with their ‘Mother Country’. Did you know that some of them are constitutional monarchies with the Queen of the United Kingdom their head of state? Elizabeth II appoints Governor-Generals that represent the Queen in their corresponding countries.

What’s in it for you? Nationals of the Caribbean countries that are part of the Commonwealth can stay in the UK for up to 180 days in a row and are in a better position when enrolling in British universities.

Which country works best as a Plan B?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer; it all depends on your circumstances and preferences. If it is personal safety that is of paramount importance to you, have a look at the countries that have seen years of political and economic stability and that are even bypassed by destructive tropical hurricanes.

St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica and Grenada are good examples for you.

Which Caribbean citizenship by investment program is best for visa-free travel?

If a globe-trotter in you or your business are calling for you to pack your suitcases again and again, you need a reliable citizenship by investment program with the following benefits:

  1. Second passport from the comfort of your home.
  2. Affordable investment.
  3. A long list of countries which you can enter without a visa or where you can get a visa on arrival.

St. Kitts and Nevis scheme offers foreign investors all of the above and more. It is impeccable and failure-free, and St. Kitts passport is ranked highest in the Caribbean in terms of countries you can travel to. As of the first quarter 2020, nationals of this island state have a free access to 156 countries. This longest-running citizenship by investment program is considered a Platinum Standard by many immigration advisers.

Why do immigration authorities of the Caribbean countries not work with investors directly?

You are not allowed under Caribbean citizenship by investment programs to apply for a second passport directly with relevant immigration authorities.

By introducing an agent between themselves and foreign investors, Caribbean jurisdictions kill two birds with one stone:

  • Reduce processing time, because an immigration agent would have already done their initial background checks on a client and prepared all necessary documents.
  • Protect foreign investors from fraudsters and unscrupulous lawyers – agents are authorised through a special accreditation system.

Caribbean governments use the same principle when dealing with property developers to protect investors from buying thin air.

Want to travel visa-free?

We will help you choose a citizenship by investment program, invest in a Caribbean economy and get a second passport. Contact us today to discuss your requirements.
